Sadness is a primary human emotion.
God created us to feel sad sometimes.
God feels sadness.
There is nothing wrong with feeling sad.
Sadness is good.
Sadness is human.
Sadness is vital.
Sadness indicates life.
Only dead people feel no sadness.
Sadness is safe.
Sadness is not to be feared.
Sadness is not to be fought.
Sadness is not to be avoided.
Sadness is to be welcomed and embraced.
Sadness is to be shared.
Sadness is difficult.
Sadness can overwhelm.
A little sadness at a time is normal and good.
A lot of sadness at a time is normal and good.
Your body knows how much sadness you can handle.
Sometimes anger is not really anger, but actually sadness.
You cannot think your way out of sadness.
You cannot think your way around sadness.
You cannot think your way through sadness.
Sadness is a matter of the heart, not the head.
Sadness must be felt.
Sadness is physically exhausting; it's OK to sleep.
Sadness is mentally fatiguing; it's OK to relax.
Sadness is emotionally draining; it's OK to pause.
Sadness is not poison.
Sadness is not a crime.
Sadness is not a disease.
Sadness is not a sin.
When you feel sad, be sad.
When you feel sad, it's OK to cry.
When you feel sad, it's OK to not cry.
Some days, sadness is explicably severe.
Some days, sadness is inexplicably severe.
Trying to escape sadness doesn't work.
Sadness has no substitute.
Sadness is not a good reason to stop living or loving.
Sadness does not last forever.
The Bible calls Jesus a "man of sorrows."
Jesus felt sad, and cried about it.
God is with us in our sadness.
How we get through sadness is...with God.