Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Prayer for Unbelief

Quiet myself.

This feels Nice.  Good.

Cease striving.  Just be.

This is the place of balance and rest.

    The moment I know 

        that You love me.

        that You sovereignly reign over all things.

            Over all persons.  Including me.

        that nothing can separate You from me.

            Because You created me, exactly as You wanted me to be.

            Because You know me, even better than I know myself.

            Because the child I am, even residing in a man's body, needs You.

                needs Your love.

                needs Your grace and Your favor.

                needs Your validation and affirmation.

                And You always give it.

                    You never withhold it.

Please help me.

    In this place.  At this time.  With my spirit.

    No matter what happens…

        I am perfectly loved.

        I am completely accepted.

        I am, at this moment, right now, enough.

            Because You are here.

                You are now.

                You live, inside my body, forever.

You are All.  All that I have, and All that I need.



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